Das Tal: Der Fluch (Season 2, #1)
Das Tal: Das Erbe (Season 2, #2)
~ Wenn die anderen mich manchmal als Priester bezeichneten, dann war klar, worauf sie anspielten. In ihren Augen verkörperte ich so ziemlich jede Tugend, ich war der, auf den man sich immer verlassen konnte. Aber ich wusste, ich war im Grunde nur ein Feigling. Ein Fake. Ich war die zwei Seiten einer Münze. Kopf und Zahl. Es war nicht möglich, sich einfach für eine von beiden Seiten zu entscheiden, oder? Auch nicht, wenn man einen Eid ablegt.~ (S. 39)
~ Das Gedächtnis ist eine Gedenkstätte. Für alles Gute und alles Schlechte. Die Bilder sind da. Sie liegen nur in Archiven, stauben vor sich hin, bis irgendwann der Zeitpunkt da ist, sie wieder ins Bewusstsein zu bringen. ~ (S. 69)
Das Tal: Die Jagd (Season 2, #3)
Das Tal: Das Erbe (Season 2, #2)
~ Wenn die anderen mich manchmal als Priester bezeichneten, dann war klar, worauf sie anspielten. In ihren Augen verkörperte ich so ziemlich jede Tugend, ich war der, auf den man sich immer verlassen konnte. Aber ich wusste, ich war im Grunde nur ein Feigling. Ein Fake. Ich war die zwei Seiten einer Münze. Kopf und Zahl. Es war nicht möglich, sich einfach für eine von beiden Seiten zu entscheiden, oder? Auch nicht, wenn man einen Eid ablegt.~ (S. 39)
~ Das Gedächtnis ist eine Gedenkstätte. Für alles Gute und alles Schlechte. Die Bilder sind da. Sie liegen nur in Archiven, stauben vor sich hin, bis irgendwann der Zeitpunkt da ist, sie wieder ins Bewusstsein zu bringen. ~ (S. 69)
Das Tal: Die Jagd (Season 2, #3)
~"Die einen sind Verlierer, die anderen Gewinner", erklärte mir Ronni. "Du musst dich nur entscheiden." (S. 104)
Every Day
"(...) I had made it somewhere special, and I'd gotten there all on my own. Nobody had given it to me. Nobody had told me to do it. I'd climbed and climbed and climbed, and this was my reward. To watch over the world, and to be alone with myself. That, I found, was what I needed." (S. 21)
I suddenly realize why people believe in déjà vu, why people believe they've lived past lives, because there is no way the years I've spent on this earth could possibly encapsulate what I'm feeling. The moment you fall in love feels like it has centuries behind it, generations - all of them rearranging themselves so this precise, remarkable intersection could happen. In your heart, in your bones, no matter how silly you know it is, you feel that everything has been leading to this, all the secret arrows were pointing here, the universe and time itself crafted this long ago, and you are just now realizing it, you are just now arriving at the place you were always meant to be. (S. 23)
This is what love does: It makes you want to rewrite the world. It makes you want to choose the characters, build the scenery, guide the plot. The person you love sits across from you, and you want to do everything in your power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it’s just the two of you, alone in a room, you can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be. (S. 175)
I run. I am made for running. Because when you run, you could be anyone. You hone yourself into a body, nothing more or less than a body. You respond as a body, to the body. If you are racing to win, you have no thoughts but the body's thoughts, no goals but the body's goals. You obliterate yourself in the name of speed. You negate yourself in order to make it past the finish line. (S. 182)
The tenderness between two people can turn the air tender, the room tender, time itself tender. As I step out of bed and slip on an oversize shirt, everything around me feels like it's the temperature of happiness. (S. 298)
When first love ends, most people eventually know there will be more to come. They are not through with love. Love is not through with them. It will never be the same as first love, but it will be better in different ways." (S. 317)
Six Days earlier (eBook)
I do not bother to wish. If anything, I'm feeling like I'm stealing Cara's wish away from her, because she is not here and I am. I pretend to wish, though. Because I look at the faces of Cara's parents, her sister, even her brother - and I know that, whatever her wish would be, they too would want it to turn true. Some families are like that.
They are not dating - the memories are clear in showing that. But they use the fact that neither of them is dating as a way to spend all the time together that would ordinarily be spent with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Timewise, it's almost the same as dating. Heartwise, too. There just isn't any kissing.
Reading people is a talent that I have developed, but in theend, that's all it is - reading. Reading is not life. Reading is creating life in your head.
~ Tatsächlich waren meine
Gedanken unkontrolliert vorwärts galoppiert, und ich hatte schon gehört, wie
ich Henry etwas von Taylor Swift vorträllerte, während die Sonne langsam
unterging und den Himmel über dem Meer rot färbte und eine Herde Wale unten in
der Bucht ihre Bahnen zog ... oh mein Gott! Und hatte ich gerade wirklich
gedacht, sein Haar sähe in diesem Licht aus wie aus purem Gold gesponnen? Das
war ... brechreizerregend.~ (S. 254)
Every Day
"(...) I had made it somewhere special, and I'd gotten there all on my own. Nobody had given it to me. Nobody had told me to do it. I'd climbed and climbed and climbed, and this was my reward. To watch over the world, and to be alone with myself. That, I found, was what I needed." (S. 21)
I suddenly realize why people believe in déjà vu, why people believe they've lived past lives, because there is no way the years I've spent on this earth could possibly encapsulate what I'm feeling. The moment you fall in love feels like it has centuries behind it, generations - all of them rearranging themselves so this precise, remarkable intersection could happen. In your heart, in your bones, no matter how silly you know it is, you feel that everything has been leading to this, all the secret arrows were pointing here, the universe and time itself crafted this long ago, and you are just now realizing it, you are just now arriving at the place you were always meant to be. (S. 23)
This is what love does: It makes you want to rewrite the world. It makes you want to choose the characters, build the scenery, guide the plot. The person you love sits across from you, and you want to do everything in your power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it’s just the two of you, alone in a room, you can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be. (S. 175)
I run. I am made for running. Because when you run, you could be anyone. You hone yourself into a body, nothing more or less than a body. You respond as a body, to the body. If you are racing to win, you have no thoughts but the body's thoughts, no goals but the body's goals. You obliterate yourself in the name of speed. You negate yourself in order to make it past the finish line. (S. 182)
The tenderness between two people can turn the air tender, the room tender, time itself tender. As I step out of bed and slip on an oversize shirt, everything around me feels like it's the temperature of happiness. (S. 298)
When first love ends, most people eventually know there will be more to come. They are not through with love. Love is not through with them. It will never be the same as first love, but it will be better in different ways." (S. 317)
Six Days earlier (eBook)
I do not bother to wish. If anything, I'm feeling like I'm stealing Cara's wish away from her, because she is not here and I am. I pretend to wish, though. Because I look at the faces of Cara's parents, her sister, even her brother - and I know that, whatever her wish would be, they too would want it to turn true. Some families are like that.
They are not dating - the memories are clear in showing that. But they use the fact that neither of them is dating as a way to spend all the time together that would ordinarily be spent with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Timewise, it's almost the same as dating. Heartwise, too. There just isn't any kissing.
Reading people is a talent that I have developed, but in theend, that's all it is - reading. Reading is not life. Reading is creating life in your head.